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In this first session, we will lay the foundation for understanding entrepreneurship in the context of research organizations and its alignment with the SDGs. Explore the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship and its significance in driving innovation, economic growth, and social impact. Network with fellow participants and share your own experiences with entrepreneurship. Get a sneak peek into what’s coming in Sessions 2 and 3.

A keynote on Entrepreneurship by Allan Chou will set the stage for this session.

Allan Chou is the founder and CEO of RAIDiCal China, an international early-stage tech fund-of funds, focusing on finding the next global tech phenom in Robotics, AI, IoT and Big Data. Allan is also a guest professor and advisor of multiple globally renowned business schools and policy advisory committees like the China Association of Technology Entrepreneurship and Incubation. With Allan’s broad experiences in mapping the international innovation landscape, the keynote will first address the fundamental importance of encouraging entrepreneurship within research organizations as a catalyst for achieving SDGs.  

After the keynote, participants will be invited to discuss how entrepreneurship drives innovation within research settings, economic growth, and creation of social impacts. This will be followed by a short introduction and preview of the next sessions by the WAITRO host of Session 2 Lean Start-up Methods and Session 3 Entrepreneurship Support Systems. 



  • Register free of charge here
  • Zoom links will be shared exclusively with registered participants.
  • Registration remains open until the start the session.



Empowering Innovation: Entrepreneurship in Research Organizations

This session is part of an event series that explores the dynamic world of entrepreneurship within research organizations and its pivotal role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Whether you’re a researcher looking to turn your ideas into a business or a manager aiming to foster innovation within your organization, this series will equip you with essential knowledge and practical tools.

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