WAITRO Innovation Award2021-10-25T09:51:16+00:00

You create innovation with added value.
We add value to your innovation.


WAITRO Innovation Award 2021

Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

The WAITRO Innovation Award aims to inspire new ideas and foster new teams amongst full and associate WAITRO members. It is an integral part of the WAITRO Innovation Ecosystem that sources, supports and scales innovative solutions developed jointly by WAITRO member organizations to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This year’s WAITRO Innovation Award focuses on food security and sustainable agriculture (SDG 2-Zero Hunger). WAITRO will support innovative project ideas related to new sources of marine and terrestrial non-conventional food, such as micro- and macro-algae, insects or new forms of agriculture (e.g. hydroponics) that are less susceptible to climate change impacts.

Application opens: 7th of June, 2021

Application deadline: 30th of September, 2021 (via EMAIL to the WAITRO Secretary General)

Pitch Event & Awarding: December 2021


Value & Benefits


  • 25,000 USD seed funding for winning project teams.

  • Professional pitch training and workshops to improve project proposals.

  • Participation in a WAITRO Pitch Event to raise further funding.

  • Networking opportunities with WAITRO partners for all applicants, leading to possible collaboration or investment.

  • Outreach via WAITRO website and social media channels.

  • Presentation at the WAITRO Global Innovation Summit scheduled for 2022.


  • Project teams that consist of at least two WAITRO member organizations from different countries.

  • Project teams that jointly develop innovative proposals for projects that contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture.

  • Project teams that use SAIRA to start an international cooperation between WAITRO member organizations that otherwise would not have happened.

How it works

Program Details

Winner Responsibilities2021-09-06T11:04:50+00:00

The WAITRO Innovation Award winner is expected to manage the project team and report accomplishments made using the Award to the WAITRO Secretariat at the end of the year. It is hoped that the winner will be invited to present at the next WAITRO Global Innovation Summit, with travel supported by WAITRO.

Who will review my application?2021-09-06T11:00:03+00:00

Applications will be reviewed by the WAITRO Secretariat and an international evaluation committee. International experts selected by the WAITRO Secretariat will give advice on the technical aspects of the focus area.

What happens during the Pitch Event?2021-06-07T11:14:29+00:00

One member of your team will pitch the project live to an audience of investors, business advisors, Venture Capitalists, media, peers, students, and any others that you care to invite. The presentation will be given in English.

What happens after the Pitch Event?2021-06-07T11:17:23+00:00

After the Pitch Event, the Secretariat will determine the winners in consultation with the evaluation committee. WAITRO will assist selected project teams in finding financial support, additional support or guidance if needed. Winners shall present their progress at the WAITRO Global Innovation Summit scheduled for 2022.

What do project teams look like?2021-06-07T13:44:08+00:00

Team members may be full and/or associate WAITRO members, but only full members can receive funding.

What are the evaluation criteria?2021-09-06T11:02:41+00:00
  • short-and long-term economic, environmental and social impacts


  • technical, economic, operational, scheduling and legal feasibility

Level of innovation and technical quality 

  • innovative solution
  • creativity of project idea
  • (unique) value proposition
Team Strength
  • team strength, experience and commitment
  • ability to invest the time required to achieve success
International Collaboration 
  • balanced input of team members contributing to the development of the innovation
  • opportunity to start a new international collaboration

Project teams selected as finalists for the training and workshops need to score at least 40% in each category.

What about intellectual property?2021-06-07T11:20:18+00:00

Applicants declare that the ideas presented are their own, are original, and do not contain material from protected works or violate the copyright or intellectual property of third parties. No transfer of intellectual property is implied by the WAITRO Innovation Award. It is the responsibility of each team to agree terms for sharing any intellectual property that may arise from work funded under the WAITRO Innovation Award. Applicants agree to indemnify and hold harmless the WAITRO Secretariat, Fraunhofer and JITRI from and against all damages, costs, losses, expenses and claims of any kind in respect of and arising out of any claim of intellectual property infringement that may arise.

My organization is not a WAITRO member. Can I apply for the WAITRO Innovation Award?2021-09-06T10:35:46+00:00

No, only employees of WAITRO member organizations can apply for the WAITRO Innovation Award. Learn more about WAITRO membership and how to join the Global Innovation Family here. Immediately after joining WAITRO, your organization can apply.

I want to apply! What are the main things I should think about?2021-09-06T10:56:47+00:00

Make sure that your project team consists of at least two WAITRO member organizations and that you have matched on SAIRA (www.saira.eco).

The application deadline is: 30th of September, 2021

Submissions will be assessed according to criteria, including:

  • Alignment with the goals of the WAITRO Innovation Award and the impact of the project on the SDG 2
  • Likelihood that the project can be feasibly advanced within the time and budget of the Award and further financed in the long-term
  • The level of innovation and the technical quality that the proposed solution brings
  • Team strength and commitment
  • Appropriate division of responsibilities among team members
  • A real international collaboration

For further information, see EVALUATION (3).

I have an idea, but haven’t found a partner yet!2021-09-06T10:50:01+00:00

No worries! That is why we offer SAIRA, which will help you to find the right partner. Register free of charge and publish a so-called »opportunity« on SAIRA. If you need any support, please contact the WAITRO Secretariat.

I already know the partner I want to work with.2021-09-06T10:51:43+00:00

Awesome! Just enter the information into SAIRA anyways, match with your partner and proceed as above. You will still be eligible.

How much does it cost to apply?2021-04-13T17:17:14+00:00

It’s free to apply and participate!

How is the Award managed?2021-06-07T13:49:28+00:00

The winning Project Team Leader (PTL) will sign a research contract with either Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft or the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI), which are funding the Award. This contract will include 1-year milestones (Please contact the Secretariat for a template of the WAITRO Innovation Award contract if needed). Once the contract is signed, the PTL will submit an invoice to the funding organization and the funds will be transferred as soon as possible, subject to procedures required for international currency transfers. The PTL is responsible for distributing Award funds to the team as agreed in Section 8 of the proposal template. The Award period will be January 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022, after which period a report (deliverable) will be due to the WAITRO Secretariat. Note that the Award is a one-time, non-renewable, one year award, whereas the project can (and should) continue to develop in the future.

How do we use personal data?2021-06-07T11:22:23+00:00

WAITRO will collect the data supplied in order to contact and notify participants, as mentioned in this document, as well as to carry out promotional activities related to the WAITRO Innovation Award. Applicants authorize WAITRO for the use of their name, voice, photograph, brand, recorded interviews to be published jointly or separately, in any way or means that WAITRO deems appropriate, without violating the confidentiality of the details contained in the proposals.

How do I build a project team?2021-09-06T10:53:29+00:00

You should use SAIRA (WAITRO’s Open Innovation Platform) to either create and publish a so-called »opportunity« or submit a so-called »proposal« to an already published »opportunity«. »Opportunities« can be project ideas or local challenges that you would like to solve in collaboration with a partner. Once you have published an »opportunity«, you’ll receive »proposals« submitted by other SAIRA users in response. See the SAIRA website www.saira.eco for details about how this works.

How do I apply?2021-09-06T10:58:39+00:00

Project teams fill out the application form and send the proposal to the WAITRO Secretary General until 30th of September, 2021.

The WAITRO Innovation Award 2020: Solving Water-related Challenges

In 2020, two innovative projects focusing on solving water-related challenges were awarded. The Award process commenced with SAIRA matchmaking in early 2020. Five finalists were selected by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). Plans for face-to-face workshops for proposal development during the summer fell afoul of international travel restrictions, and the process for the finalists was reduced to an online “pitch training” and an online question and answer session with the SAB. Then each team recorded a video presentation for an online pitch session at the Virtual Innovation Summit 2020 (October 2020), where delegates had the opportunity to ask additional questions of the teams and cast their votes.


Dr Eckart Bierdümpel 
Dr Eckart Bierdümpel  Chief of Staff
WAITRO Secretariat
Dr Paul Burrows 
Dr Paul Burrows  Secretary General
WAITRO Secretariat
Ran Duan
Ran DuanDirector
WAITRO Secretariat
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