Connecting Knowledge with Opportunity.



SAIRA is currently unavailable as WAITRO Operations e.V. is developing a completely new version. Would you like to get involved and contribute to its development? Contact us at d.reinertz[at]

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SAIRA® is an open innovation platform that accelerates collaboration between research and technology organizations, academia, governments, civil society, and the private sector to tackle the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. We connect innovative ideas with knowledge and experience on the ground.

What SAIRA stands for

How it works

Sign up

Register for free, create your account.


Create and publish an opportunity and find the right partner(s)…

… or browse

… or browse published opportunities and express your interest in collaborating by submitting a proposal.

It’s a match!

Start your collaboration and manage your project with SAIRA.


Turn research into practice, collaborate with your new partners and turn challenges into solutions.

SAIRA is different from other Open Innovation Platforms.

  • NEWFirst blockchain-secured open innovation platform focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Proven methodology protecting IP rights of users.

  • Trusted by the world’s leading applied research and technology organizations and universities.

  • NEW Managed by the Secretariat of the largest global network of research and technology organizations.

  • Free of charge and publicly available for WAITRO members and NEW non-WAITRO members.

Acceleration & Support – for WAITRO members

WAITRO Innovation Award

Selected projects receive mentorship and resources to accelerate their collaboration. WAITRO supports innovative ideas of project teams from member organizations to create impact:

  • Expert workshops and pitch training
  • Participation in pitch and networking events

  • 25k USD seed funding for two selected project teams

»Horizon Europe« Project Support

Tailor-suited guidance and support throughout the application process for grants under the framework program »Horizon Europe« by the WAITRO Secretariat and external experts.

  • Coordination and selection of topics & calls

  • 1:1 training (proposal writing) for consortia matched on SAIRA
  • Guidance on fairness and ethics in R&D by the Research Fairness Initiative (RFI)

Finding the right partner isn’t easy. Using SAIRA is.

There are many innovative ideas about how challenges around the globe can be addressed. However, the translation of innovative ideas into actions and impact is much more difficult. Changing the future sustainably requires more partnering, creative thinking and a stronger focus on concrete outcomes and impact.

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Dominik Reinertz
Dominik ReinertzManaging Director
WAITRO Operations e.V.