Date: 29 May 2024By

CTA and CIB hosted webinar: intellectual property of technology, Insights for RTOs

On April 9, 2024, the webinar Intellectual Property of Technology was jointly held by Corporación Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología de AnToquia – CTA, WAITRO’s Regional Focal Point of Latin America and the Caribbeans and by Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas –CIB of Colombia.

In this session, led by Carlos Salazar Lopera, legal advisor of CIB of Colombia, two fundamental aspects were addressed: Industrial Property and Copyright. Industrial property, focused on the legal protection of inventions, trademarks, and industrial designs, seeks to safeguard the economic and commercial interests of inventors and creators, ensuring their exclusivity in the exploitation of their creations. On the other hand, copyright protects literary, artistic, and scientific works, granting authors control over their works’ reproduction, distribution, and public presentation, thus fostering creativity and innovation in various fields of human knowledge.

The webinar underscored the practical application of intellectual property in science, technology, and innovation centers. This is manifested through the patenting of technologies, methods, and innovative processes, as well as the registration of trademarks for products or services generated in research and development activities.

Moreover, the webinar underscored the crucial role of implementing suitable policies and procedures to identify, assess, and protect intellectual property. This facilitates its transfer to third parties through licenses, collaborations, or commercial agreements. These proactive measures are pivotal in contributing to economic and social development through innovation, thereby fortifying the research and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region.



About the Author: Lei Hou

IMG 9674
Communication consultant

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