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Cross-border Markets for Innovation: Bio-pharmaceutical Regulations in Africa


  • To help bio-pharmaceutical associate members find the best way to develop the products, and to connect the market.
  • Establishing networks between representatives of science and industry.

Host: WAITRO Secretariat China Office

Moderator: Ran Duan

CET: 8:30am -11:00am

South Africa: 9:30-12:00am

China Time: 3:30-6:00pm


South Africa Time Session Speaker Organization
9:30-9:35 Instruction
9:35-9:40 Opening speech Dr. Paul Burrows WAITRO

Secretary General

9:40-10:10 Speech:

An introduction to the bio-medicine market access policy and regulatory requirements in South Africa

Dr. Bathabile Ramalap Senior Researcher


CSIR South Africa

10:10-10:15 QA
10:15-10:45 Speech:

Opportunities for collaborative development of modern manufacturing technologies to support production of essential medicines in Africa

Dr. Jenny-Lee Panayides Principal Researcher and Research Group Leader


CSIR South Africa

10:45-10:50 QA
10:50-11:30 Speech:

The Challenges and Opportunities of Bio-Medical  business and investment in Ethiopia


Briefing on the national policy of Bio-medical products and institutions regulation and registration

Dr. Moloro, Adane Demeke Public Health Professional Specialist


Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)

11:30-11:35 QA
11:35-11:40 Project 1:

Aidea Pharma’s background and cooperation demand


Bill Du Director of

International Business Dept.


Aidea Pharma, China

11:45-11:50 Project 2:

Nanjing Sanhome Pharmaceutical’s background and cooperation demand

Menghan Liu Business Development Senior Manager


Nanjing Sanhome Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, China

11:50-11:55 Project 3:

Suzhong pharmaceutical group ’s background and cooperation demand


Wenjun Liu Project Manager


Suzhong pharmaceutical group,China

11:55-12:00 Closing

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