Date: 16 April 2020By

Global Innovation Summit Goes Digital

Given the circumstances, the WAITRO Executive Board and the Secretariat have decided not to postpone or cancel the WAITRO Global Innovation Summit 2020, but to hold it fully virtual! The COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions make it impossible to hold an in-person conference in December 2020, as originally planned. Therefore, the WAITRO Global Innovation Summit goes digital and will be held online.

More information, dates and details will follow as soon as possible, however, the main theme of the event will remain. The now virtual conference will be a water-themed networking event, covering sustainable development and challenges around SDG 6: ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’. Stay tuned for more!

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About the Author: WAITRO

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The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) is a global membership-based association of research organizations, universities, and innovation stakeholders. WAITRO provides mechanisms and support for its members and partners to connect, share, inspire, and collaborate to solve global challenges and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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