Date: 17 November 2019By

Board and RFPs Meet in Botswana

The 83rd WAITRO Executive Board Meeting took place from November 6th to 8th in Kasane, Botswana. Regional support to host the three-day-event was provided by the Botswana Institute for Technology Research and Innovation (BITRI).

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The course of events during the 1st Global Innovation Summit was discussed. The Summit will take place on December 7th and 8th at the CSIR International Convention Center in Pretoria, South Africa. Participants from all over the world get the chance to receive hands-on support, get connected to our partners and experts and win $25.000.

Click here to read more about the Innovation Summit. Furthermore, WAITRO will organize a Capacity Development Workshop on international project collaborations next year. Applications for WAITRO members to participate will open early next year. More information about this event can be found in our newsletter. At the same time, Anna Wohlrab and Xin Yao co-hosted a Regional Focal Point meeting. The participants discussed the benefits of the organization and how to communicate these within the international community. Furthermore, they evaluated the outcome of the Capacity Needs Assessment and found that “How to participate and engage in international research collaborations” was the most demanded topic. Together with the Executive Board, they decided to organize a Capacity Development Workshop on international research collaborations and proposal writing next year.

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About the Author: WAITRO

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The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) is a global membership-based association of research organizations, universities, and innovation stakeholders. WAITRO provides mechanisms and support for its members and partners to connect, share, inspire, and collaborate to solve global challenges and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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