Members Outreach
WAITRO Members Outreach
Are you planning an event that is relevant for WAITRO Members? Are you working on a project together with other WAITRO Members? Do you have news about interesting opportunities worth sharing with the WAITRO network (e.g. awards)?
Get in touch with the WAITRO Communication Team to see how we can best support you in spreading the word.
Before you get in touch, make sure that the news you want to share are relevant to the WAITRO network. This could be information about:
Please make sure to provide the communication team with relevant documents such as flyers, brochures, social media kits, etc., that can help them spreading the word for you.

At WAITRO, we believe in the power of collaboration and the immense value it brings to our collective efforts. That’s why we’re thrilled to extend an incredible opportunity to all our members: the chance to showcase your collaborative projects and activities on the WAITRO website. By participating your organization can gain increased visibility and promote its achievements in national and global contexts.
We are particularly interested in collaborations that were initiated since 2018 and had a positive impact on Sustainable Development Goals.

Projects or Activities Types
- Collaborative Projects: International projects involving at least one WAITRO member.
- SAIRA Projects: Projects facilitated through WAITRO’s matchmaking platform SAIRA (
- WAITRO Funded Projects: Projects that received funding or co-funding from WAITRO, such as the WAITRO Innovation Awards and WAITRO Impact Awards.
- WAITRO Capacity Development: Activities such as trainings organized by WAITRO members and/or supported by WAITRO funding or co-funding.
- International Conferences: Events organized or co-organized by WAITRO and its members.
Benefits of Participation
- Publication on the WAITRO website under the dedicated section of Impacts and Insights; more than 4000 visitors from over 160 countries in 2023 alone
- Promotion through WAITRO’s official social media channels; almost 1000 Followers on LinkedIn.
- Links to dedicated articles within the WAITRO Newsletter sent out to a broader audience outside WAITRO.
- Increased visibility: Participation in this initiative will enhance the visibility of the organization and its projects within and outside of the WAITRO community.
Submission Process:
To participate, members are encouraged to share this opportunity widely within their organizations. Interested parties can fill out and return the attached template to the designated contact points mentioned below.