Date: 28 April 2022By

WAITRO welcomes GreenAnt, Netherlands

GreenAnt joins WAITRO as an Associate Member

GreenAnt is developing a network of people for the common effort of reforestation. Their first launched project was in Thailand in January of 2022. Each project is supported by a community of tree growers, satellite data providers, tech developers and others who are committed to a financial system that places value on ecosystem services.

GreenAnt Logo

They support a decentralized economy that fosters and maximizes people and nature’s prosperity. The goals of GreenAnt are specific:

  • Planting 1 trillion trees in 30 years
  • Building a network allocating resources and skills towards large scale global reforestation
  • Developing a new decentralized economy aimed to benefit people and nature through value-creation and decentralization

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About the Author: WAITRO

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The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) is a global membership-based association of research organizations, universities, and innovation stakeholders. WAITRO provides mechanisms and support for its members and partners to connect, share, inspire, and collaborate to solve global challenges and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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