Date: 11 December 2023By

WAITRO welcomes Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy

FBK joins WAITRO as a Full Member

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) stands as Italy’s premier research institute, securing the top position for scientific excellence in three distinct subject areas and for its noteworthy economic and social impact, as per the ANVUR evaluation of research quality. Occupying a leadership role in the realm of scientific inquiry, FBK’s reputation is solidified by its expansive 3,500-square-meter facility housing laboratories and cutting-edge scientific infrastructures. The institute boasts a vibrant community comprising over 450 researchers, 140 doctoral students, 200 visiting fellows and thesis students, and 700 affiliates and accredited students. This collective expertise converges to establish FBK as a pivotal scientific and technological hub.

With a rich history spanning more than half a century, FBK’s influence extends through 11 dedicated centers focused on technology and innovation, as well as the humanities and social sciences. Beyond conventional research, FBK actively fosters interdisciplinary approaches and emphasizes real-world applications. The institute’s commitment to excellence is not only evident in its research achievements but also in its role as a catalyst for co-located ventures, spin-offs, projects, and training opportunities.

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About the Author: Jerin Saviour

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