Date: 1 December 2022By

WAITRO welcomes African AHEAD, South Africa

AHEAD joins WAITRO as an Associate Member

AHEAD has recently joined WAITRO as an Associate Member. Africa AHEAD is a southern NGO founded in Zimbabwe in 1999, delivering sustainable development to over 2 million people through Community Health Club.

logo Africa AHEAD

Africa AHEAD meeting the Sustainable Development Goals

Applied Health Education and Development (AHEAD) is our tried and tested methodology for enabling communities to meet many of the SDGs through their own efforts in a sustainable and integrated programme.

It is not enough to address one or other of these basic needs, if we are to ensure poverty is a thing of the past. A holistic and integrated model is needed which can address all these issues in a systematic way. The full AHEAD approach is a four-year program which achieves such a vision.

They use Hygiene as an entry point into Water and Sanitation Programs (SDG.6) leading on to Food and Nutrition Programs (SDG 2) which resulted in improved health and prevention of most common diseases (SDG.3).

Good Health plus the ability to sustain well-being i.e. a mother who has the skills to be self-sufficient (SDG 8) which enables them to have control over their own bodies and lives (SDG.5) results in Poverty Alleviation (SDG.1.).

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About the Author: WAITRO

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The World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) is a global membership-based association of research organizations, universities, and innovation stakeholders. WAITRO provides mechanisms and support for its members and partners to connect, share, inspire, and collaborate to solve global challenges and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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