Date: 28 June 2023By

LEITAT – WAITRO Workshop “Horizon Europe Tools & Tips”

On June 21st, 2023, the WAITRO Regional Focal Point for Europe, led by Sergio Ibañez Perez at Leitat organized the Workshop Horizon Europe Tools & Tips webinar. The objective of the event was to foster international cooperation under the Horizon Europe program by giving potential non-European partners a comprehensive overview of what is expected from them by the European coordinator and consortium when participating in a Horizon Europe proposal.
The budget allocated to international cooperation topics has followed an increasing trend during the last Research Framework Programmes from the European Commission. To promote their development and to bring these funding schemes closer to WAITRO’s non-European members, it is important to know the tools that the European Commission makes available, as well as the dynamics of the participation formats.
This workshop also aimed to provide a benefit to WAITRO’s European members by training non-European members on the processes and about what the potential European project coordinators expect from them when working on a proposal. In the same way, to generate an international networking that facilitates the linking through consortia.

The registrations where open until June 16th 2023, and a total of 47 registrations where made. From them, a total of 23 countries where represented (20 non-European plus 3 European).


The session started by a welcome from the RFP of Europe Sergio Ibáñez followed by various colleagues from the International Projects Office of Leitat who shared some tips and tools regarding the Horizon Europe program. Multiple presentations covered the entire funding process, from eligibility and how to use the funding and tenders portal to identify opportunities, through tips on how to prepare a competitive proposal, to important considerations for preparing a grant agreement and how to budget within EU rules should the proposal be successful. A closing presentation was made by CTA in Colombia, the WAITRO Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean. David Alonso Pineda Marulanda shared CTA’s experience and highlighted the importance of WAITRO as a bridge in accessing European partners and proposals.

About the Author: Jerin Saviour

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