Lic. María Eugenia Suárez Elected as Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean
In a significant development, the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) has successfully concluded a special election to appoint a new Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean. This election was necessitated by the departure of Jefferson de Oliveira Gomes from SENAI in Brazil, who had previously held the position. The Regional Representative plays a pivotal role within the WAITRO Executive Board, and as per WAITRO’s Constitution, the selection process for this vital position is conducted through a General Assembly election.
The special election witnessed the participation of two highly qualified candidates vying for the esteemed role.The two candidates in contention were:
- Lic. María Eugenia Suárez (INTI,Argentina)
- Frederico Lamego (SENAI, BRAZIL)

The online voting started on August 14, 2023. 120 eligible voters got personalized links for electronic ballots containing CVs and statements from both candidates. Voting lasted 13 days, concluding on August 26th, 11:59 p.m. Beijing Time. 47 members of WAITRO, classified as Full Members, exercised their right to vote. All cast votes were deemed valid.
The conclusive results of the election unveiled that Lic. María Eugenia Suárez, currently holding the position of Deputy Manager of Institutional Relations at INTI in Argentina, emerged victorious. She has been duly elected as the Regional Representative to the WAITRO Executive Board for the Latin America and Caribbean Region. This mandate will be in effect for the remainder of the 2023 – 2024 term.

The WAITRO Secretariat extends heartfelt congratulations to Lic. María Eugenia Suárez for her election to this vital role. The organization also extends its gratitude to Frederico Lamego for participating in the nomination process and encourages him to remain an active contributor to the WAITRO Global Innovation Family.