Date: 26 September 2024By

CSIR for Connect, Collaborate, Converge and Convert (5C) for Global Sustainable Development during Science Summit at 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79)

On September 18 and 19, 2024, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the largest industrial R&D organization of India, launched its two-day event entitled “CSIR for Connect, Collaborate, Converge and Convert (5C) for Global Sustainable Development ” during the Science Summit at the 79th United Nations General Assembly 2024 (SSUNGA79). CSIR has been working on a wide spectrum of S&T fields, from oceanography, geophysics, chemicals, drugs, genomics, biotechnology and nanotechnology to mining, aeronautics, instrumentation, environmental engineering and information technology. The two-day event (18th and 19th September), encompassing six (6) sessions with 29 eminent speakers and a panel discussion, will showcase CSIR’s contributions to Science and Technology and its efforts towards Global Sustainable Development and strengthening South-South cooperation.


The 1st scientific session on “Affordable Healthcare for Global Society” was chaired by Dr Vinay K Nandicoori, Director, CSIR-CCMB. While, Dr Srinivasa Reddy, Director, CSIR-IICT presented CSIR’s capabilities in generic drugs, Dr Radha Rangarajan, Director, CSIR-CDRI highlighted role of CSIR in combating antimicrobial resistance, a global concern.

Dr Sridevi A Singh, Director, CSIR-CFTRI chaired the 2nd scientific session on “Food and Agriculture”. Dr Umesh Hebbar, Chief Scientist at CSIR-CFTRI presented some of CSIR’s affordable food technologies. Mrs. Ranjita Pradeep, Director, DDR Ventures LLP, a start-up industry partner of CSIR, highlighted role of CSIR in supporting their organic coffee industry. Dr Ajit Kumar Shasany, Director, CSIR-NBRI, describing some success stories of CSIR’s Floriculture and Aroma Mission, showcased efforts of CSIR in sustainable agriculture.

The 3rd scientific session on “Environment and Waste Management” was chaired by Dr Harender S Bisht, Director, CSIR-IIP. Dr C Anandharamakrishnan, Director, CSIR-NIIST presented the exception work of CSIR in converting the waste into wealth. Dr Girish Pophali, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NEERI highlighted CSIR’s technologies for sustainable water & wastewater management.

Dr Manoranjan Parida, Director, CSIR-CRRI chaired the 4th scientific session on “Sustainable Infrastructure”. Dr N Anandavalli, Director, CSIR-SERC presented CSIR’s technological solutions for hazard-resilient infrastructure. Prof SK Singh, Chief Scientist, CSIR-CBRI highlighted the sustainable ways of construction & demolition waste utilisation in building products.

Day 2 (19 September 2024) of CSIR event focused on “Climate Change” as well as on “Encouraging South-South Cooperation” encompassing two (2) sessions and a concluding panel discussion. Dr Atul N Vaidya, Director, CSIR-NEERI chaired the 5th scientific session on “Climate Change”. Dr Prasanthi Lakshmi, Principal Scientist, CSIR-NGRI showcased CSIR’s strength and proficiency in airborne geophysics for mineral and groundwater explorations. Er Jowin Joseph, Senior Scientist, CSIR-NEERI presented models of refinement of Greenhouse gases inventory and mitigation for waste sector.

The 6th session on “Strengthening South-South Cooperation for Achieving SDGs”, an important agenda for global action, was chaired by Dr KJ Sreeram, Director, CSIR-CLRI. The session was organized in partnership with WAITRO and APCTT with participation of international experts from several International RTOs, Embassies and NAM S&T Centre. Prof Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR highlighted diverse paradigms of responsible governance for research and innovation in science. Ms Theresia Ningsi Astuti (WAITRO – RR for Asia and the Pacific), National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia highlighted WAITRO’s role in advancing SDG impact and empowering global collaborations. Dr Preeti Soni, Head, APCTT presented their efforts in regional technology cooperation for achieving SDGs in the Asia-Pacific. HE Mr G Balasubramanian, High Commissioner of India to Nigeria and Benin shared the efforts of MEA, GoI in supporting sustainable development in Nigeria and Benin. Mr Workneh Delelegn Shumete, Deputy General Manager, WODA Metal Industry PLC, Ethiopia highlighted twinning program between Ethiopia Metals Industry Development Institute and CSIR.

The concluding interactive panel discussion focused on “Strengthening South-South Cooperation for sustainable development” was conducted. The discussion was moderated by Dr KJ Sreeram and panel experts included HE Mr David Puig, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to India; Dr Amitava Bandopadhyay, DG, Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries; Dr Rabindra Prasad Dhakal, Secretary, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal; Ms Sharizad Dahlan, Director, International STI Centre for South-South Cooperation under UNESCO, Malaysia; Dr Pratip Vongbandit, Deputy Governor R&D for Sustainable Development, Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research, Thailand; Mr Declan Kirrane, Chairman and Managing Director, Science Summit at UN General Assembly; and Dr Rama Swami Bansal, Head, ISTAD, CSIR. Panel experts presented their ongoing South-South Cooperation mechanisms. They deliberated and made suggestions to strengthen the South – South connect in diverse ways. Among others, it was recommended to share the best models and practices across global south. The participating organisations offered their platforms for effective collaborations.

This news article is provided by Dr Yatendra Satija, Senior Scientist, International S&T Affairs Directorate (ISTAD), CSIR India.

poster for SSUNGA 79

About the Author: Lei Hou

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Communication consultant

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