The winning Project Team Leader (PTL) will sign a research contract with either Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft or the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI), which are funding the Award. This contract will include 1-year milestones (Please contact the Secretariat for a template of the WAITRO Innovation Award contract if needed). Once the contract is signed, the PTL will submit an invoice to the funding organization and the funds will be transferred as soon as possible, subject to procedures required for international currency transfers. The PTL is responsible for distributing Award funds to the team as agreed in Section 8 of the proposal template. The Award period will be January 1st 2022 – December 31st 2022, after which period a report (deliverable) will be due to the WAITRO Secretariat. Note that the Award is a one-time, non-renewable, one year award, whereas the project can (and should) continue to develop in the future.