If you are unable to attend the WAITRO Summit 2022 in person, your poster might still be included in the exhibition if there are spaces available. Priority will be given to posters of authors who are physically present at the Summit. Physical presence of the author or at least one representative of the team of authors will be an advantage for the WAITRO Impact Award as one can explain the research results in detail in person.
Do I have to physically attend the Summit to be able to participate?
By Karla Garcia|2022-09-07T13:10:56+00:007 September 2022|Categories: SDG Impact Poster and WAITRO Impact Award|
About the Author: Karla Garcia

Karla joined the WAITRO Secretariat- Office Germany, in March 2021. The main task of Karla is communication on the website.
She's currently doing her master on "History, Economics, and Philosophy of Science" at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Her passion for knowing how science and research work brought her to be part of the world's largest network of Research and Innovation - WAITRO.