WAITRO Summit 2024 – Breakout Session 6: WAITRO Fellowship Programs
November 13, 2024 , 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm UTC+8
Co-Organizers: JITRI OCD Department
The WAITRO Fellowship Pool was established as a pilot program based on a where interested members commit to offering a certain number of Fellowships for staff from members in different countries. Pool members are then given priority for their own staff to apply for Fellowships within the Pool. If Fellowships are unable to be filled from Pool members, then other WAITRO members would be allowed to apply. Qualifying criteria for the Fellowships are to be decided. For success, we would need 10 – 12 members to sign on to the Fellowship Pool, offering a few Fellowship opportunities each.
There are currently four products in the pool: TUBITAK-WAITRO, BRIN-WAITRO, JITRI-WAITRO all fund incoming students, postdocs or researchers into the respective organization. The “WAITRO Fellowship” on the other hand is an initiative by the WAITRO Secretariat to increase general participation in the WAITRO Fellowship Pool by providing airfare assistance for members prepared to cover the other costs of a Fellowship, thereby fostering technology and personnel exchanges. The program aims to enhance cooperation among WAITRO researchers, management professionals, and Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs).
Sub-Session 1
- BRIN-WAITRO Fellowship
- JITRI-WAITRO Fellowships
- WAITRO Fellowships (travel subsidy)
- Opportunity for other Members?