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WAITRO Working Groups (WGs) were started using a self-assembly approach with the philosophy that WAITRO Members should have something to say about how best to advance the SDGs. In particular, we expressed the hope that the WGs would build platforms that the Secretariat and Executive Board could use to advocate for its members. In a challenging global economic environment, for example, there could be value in a global organization with consultative status with UN agenciesadvocating for targeted national funding in certain areas of technology relevant to both the SDGs and our membership. Multiple WGs were given sessions at the WAITRO Summit 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa, in which they were encouraged to define a goal and establish the WG leadership. Three took root and flourished, namely SDG2, 6, and 7. These will be further developed in dedicated breakout sessions at the WAITRO Summit 2024, and the Secretariat is open to proposals from WAITRO Members who would like to develop and lead further WGs!


Working Group Sessions Scheduled:

SDG 2, Zero hunger (No hunger). The goal of SDG 2 is to: “End hunger, achieve foodsecurity and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.” The WG is led by Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional RI (BRIN RI), Indonesia.

SDG 6, Clean water and sanitation. The goal of SDG6 is to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” The WG is led by Royal Scientific Society, Jordan.

SDG 7, Affordable and clean energy. The goal of SDG7 is to “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” The WG is led by ANSOLE (Prof. Daniel Egbe).

New WG? Bring your proposal! Contact the Secretariat immediately!


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