The 2nd InterQuadrennial ICF Conference in Africa and the Middle East
November 18, 2024 - November 21, 2024
In November 2024, the Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI), WAITRO’s MENA Region Regional Focal Point, will host the 2nd InterQuadrennial ICF Conference in Africa and the Middle East, in Luxor, Egypt. The conference, themed “Processing, Performance, and Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials” will be organized in cooperation with the International Congress on Fracture (ICF) and the CMRDI, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt. This follows the success of the 1st IQ-ICF conference held in Egypt in 2011.
The ICF is an international organization with members from dozens of countries across Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The 2nd IQ-ICF conference will cover scientific and technological topics, including the properties, performance, and fracture mechanics of ferrous and non-ferrous materials, corrosion and surface protection, and manufacturing technologies. These technologies encompass foundry, forming, welding, laser materials processing, 3-D manufacturing, repair welding, powder metallurgy, NDT, as well as failure analysis and troubleshooting of plant equipment in various industrial sectors such as chemical, metallic, engineering, petroleum, power generation and others.
The organizing committee is committed to ensuring that this significant event offers a superb conference experience, combining high-quality technical and scientific content with outstanding hospitality and leisure activities. The conference will take place in the stunning city of Luxor, known as the world’s greatest open-air museum and one of the most splendid winter resorts globally.
We aim to have hundreds of distinguished scientists and experts participate, which will enhance the conference’s benefits. The most significant of these is the exchange of knowledge and experience among attendees from various world regions, fostering capability building and development, crucial for community advancement.
We appreciate your support in promoting the conference within your network, both in your country and internationally, and eagerly anticipate welcoming you to Egypt this coming November!