1.Introduce the Role of Technology and Innovation: Provide a foundational understanding of their impact on entrepreneurship.
2.Engage Stakeholders: Generate interest in the SIG by demonstrating its relevance and value.
3.Foster Collaboration: Encourage connections among participants.
1. Welcome and Introduction (10 mins)
- Facilitator’s Welcome: Introduce the workshop and its objectives.
- Introduction to the SIG: Overview of the SIG’s vision, goals, and the benefits of joining.
2. Keynote Presentation: Technology and Innovation as Catalysts for Growth (20 mins)
- Speaker: An industry expert and entrepreneur
- Content: Highlight how technology and innovation can enable entrepreneurship
3. Challenges and Opportunities in Technology Adoption (30 mins)
- Content: Discuss practical challenges in adopting technology, available opportunities, and best practices.
- Audience Interaction: Allow for a brief Q&A session to engage participants.
4. Breakout Group Activity: Identifying Innovation Opportunities (30 mins)
- Objective: Participants, in small groups, discuss specific challenges they face and identify potential technological or innovative solutions.
- Facilitator Guidance: Provide each group with guiding questions related to their businesses or sectors.
- Outcome: Groups share their findings and potential solutions in a 2-minute summary each.
5. Recap and Call to Action (20 mins)
- Facilitator Summary: Recap key takeaways from the keynote, panel, and breakout activity.
- SIG Engagement: Encourage participants to join the SIG, explaining the upcoming initiatives and how they can get involved.
- Networking Opportunity: Provide contact details or a link to connect further with the SIG and fellow participants.
6. Closing Remarks (10 mins)
- Thank participants for their time and highlight the importance of collective action in driving innovation.
- Duration: 2 hours
- Location: Online – Microsoft Teams
Expected Outcomes
1.Increased Awareness: Attendees understand how technology and innovation can foster entrepreneurship.
2.Engaged Participants: Generate interest in the SIG for future engagement.
3.Actionable Ideas: Participants leave with practical ideas to explore innovation opportunities in their businesses.