Become A Member2025-03-20T02:24:53+00:00

The Global Innovation Family

Become a WAITRO member

WAITRO’s core value is its global network of research organizations and other organizations interested in partnering with research organizations. WAITRO members benefit from a variety of programs and services and enjoy a wide range of additional advantages.

Full Member

Full membership status can be granted to:

  • Research institutes
  • Universities with a strong research presence
  • Research laboratories

Full membership status brings the following benefits:

  • Building and joining consortia to respond to international funding opportunities.
  • Connecting with new customers for research products or services

  • Best practices in RTO management and related areas (participation in benchmarking studies).

  • Free premium services on WAITRO’s Open Innovation Platform SAIRA.

  • Access to research needs and priorities from Associate members.

  • Participate and vote in the WAITRO General Assembly.

  • Co-branding with WAITRO, use of WAITRO logo and display of member logo on WAITRO website.

  • Employees eligible for election to the WAITRO Executive Board.

  • Member can apply to be a WAITRO Regional Focal Point.

  • Lead WAITRO workshops, webinars and training events with the support of the WAITRO Secretariat.

  • Compete and receive funds from the WAITRO Innovation Award.

  • Propose WAITRO Fellowship projects, send and receive WAITRO Fellows from both Full and Associate Members.

Associate Member

Associate membership status can be granted to: 

  • For-profit organizations such as MNEs, SMEs, Start-ups
  • Investment and venture capital companies

  • Non-governmental organizations

Associate membership status brings the following benefits:

  • Building and joining consortia to respond to international funding opportunities.
  • Identifying research capacity of WAITRO Full Members to solve industry problems.

  • Opportunities to define and advocate for research priorities to a global RTO audience.
  • Platform to articulate their needs and interests, identify cross-cutting problems, and influence the direction of research providers and funders.

  • Sponsor WAITRO events or projects targeted at corporate strategies consistent with sustainable development.

  • Co-brand with WAITRO, use of WAITRO logo and display of company logo on WAITRO website.

  • Participate in WAITRO Fellowship projects, workshops, webinars and other events.

  • Attend the WAITRO General Assembly as observer.


Membership Fees

GNI PER CAPITA (USD) <2.000 2.000-10.000 10.00-30.000 >30.000
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE (USD) 250 500 1.000 2.000

+++ Membership fees will be resumed from 2025 +++

Frequently Asked Questions

Does an organization need to renew their WAITRO membership?2021-04-14T10:12:19+00:00

Yes. Once a year, your organization’s contact person will receive a membership renewal mail.

Can I cancel my organization’s WAITRO membership?2021-07-26T10:57:19+00:00

Yes. The organization’s contact person needs to send a message to WAITRO’s Secretary General.

Can I become a WAITRO member as an individual?2021-04-14T10:14:28+00:00

WAITRO membership status can only be granted to eligible organizations. Individuals are not eligible for WAITRO membership status.

Can associate members become full members?2021-04-14T10:17:20+00:00

Associate members usually cannot become full members; full membership is exclusively for organizations actively involved in research or development. Exceptional circumstances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

What is the difference between full members and associate members?2021-04-14T10:15:43+00:00

Full membership status is intended for any organization that primarily does research. Associate membership status is intended for any organization that does not primarily do research but has interest in cross-border applied research and the infrastructure to support it.

The benefits of a respective membership are listed above.

Do the same fees apply to full and associate members?2021-04-14T10:16:38+00:00


​Who needs to sign the WAITRO membership application form?2021-04-14T10:26:16+00:00

For your application to be valid, the application form needs to be filled out by a senior official or manager, with the authority to sign legally binding agreements with third parties on behalf of your organization.

How long does it take to process an application?2021-04-14T10:26:43+00:00

The application will be reviewed by the WAITRO Secretariat and the WAITRO President usually within one week.

Do I receive a membership certificate?2021-04-14T10:23:06+00:00

Yes (further information at “Onboarding”)

How can my organization apply for WAITRO membership?2021-04-14T10:25:32+00:00

The application procedure consists of two simple steps:

Step 1: Fill in and send the online application form.
Step 2: The WAITRO Secretariat will review your application and respond within one week.

Become a WAITRO Member today!

Any further questions? Contact the Secretariat.

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