Within the framework of the “Biowaste4SP” initiative, it was organized an International Conference on Biowaste for Value-Added Products in Rabat, Morocco. The aim of the “Biowaste4SP” project was to find the most effective way to turn waste from the food industry and agricultural sectors into sustainable products in five African countries, being Morocco one of them.
With the aim of strengthening cooperation between RTOs from Europe, Asia and Africa, WAITRO and the Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II (IVA) organized the Conference Turning Biowaste into sustainable products. The two-day conference took place on September 16, 2015.
The conference was a great opportunity to work with well-reputed international institutions and there is a good chance to collaborate with in several scientific projects in the future. Furthermore, its demonstration activities had provided useful information on new technology concepts that make recycling of African bio-waste economical sustainable and contribute to reducing environmental impact. The project had positive impact on the priority sectors of the Kingdom of Morocco. Indeed, Biowaste4SP is perfectly consistent with the priorities of the Government of Morocco in the development of technologies related to renewable energies as provided by law 13-09. The highly interesting results of this project, in terms of biowaste, will contribute undoubtedly to improve the current waste management, especially with the presence of the Ministry of Environment at the dissemination conference.

Date: September 16-17, 2015
Location: Rabat, Morocco
By: WAITRO, IAV (Morocco)
- International Conference